8411 Biscayne Blvd # 10, Miami FL 33138
Criminal background & credit check. Credit score must be above 700. Applicant's gross income must equal 2.5x the monthly rent. Provide proof of income. Co-signers are not accepted. Must be employed in the local area for 6 months or more with the same employer or transferring into the local area with the current employer of at least 6 months. $80.00 Non-refundable application fee per adult. Each person 18 years of age or older must complete the application process. Valid government issued photo ID. Rent includes water, sewer, & trash. Liability to Landlord insurance is mandatory One year lease. Pets are not allowed. First month's rent and security deposit are due prior to move-in. Office Hours: M-F from 8:30am–4:30 pm. Showings by APPOINTMENT ONLY: M-F from 9am - 4pm.