655 NE 85th St # 4, Miami FL 33138
Criminal background & credit check. Credit score must be above 700. Applicant's gross income must equal 2.5X the monthly rent. Provide proof of income (2-3 recent paycheck stubs and/or bank statements). Co-signers are not accepted. All applicants must qualify on their own. $80.00 Non-refundable application fee per adult. Each person 18 years of age or older must complete the application process. Valid government issued photo ID. Rent includes water, sewer, and trash. Liability to Landlord insurance is mandatory One year lease. Pets are not allowed. First month's rent and security deposit are due prior to move-in. Office Hours: M-F from 8:30am – 4:30 pm. Showings by APPOINTMENT ONLY: M-F from 9:00am - 4pm. Please contact MANAGEMENT for more information and showings appts.